Terrible Step-stool
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Terrible Step-stool

It turns out that humans are not actually good step-stools, especially when they are much smaller than you are.

You’ve probably seen it on the site or on social media by now, but Hell, Inc. has been nominated for an award! It’s up for Best Webcomic in the Sequential Magazine Awards (which are for Canadian independent comics), which is very cool. The winner is voted for by you, the people, and you can vote by clicking the image below! I would really appreciate it if you did that, because winning things rules and I want an award to put in my office (the last one I won saw the company shut down before they sent me my plaque).

If you want to check out the nominees in the other categories, many of whom are friends and acquaintances of mine, check out the full nominee list by clicking here.

Employee of the Week returns next week when I have my shit together and remember to prep the update ahead of time like normal.

Next Week: Even the good news is bad news. Read it early on Patreon!

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