The Twilight Cubicles

First 2025 signature on a piece of art! I write a little bit about that, and how it relates to reflecting on my own art, in the Patreon preview for this strip.


Robbie Dorman is Employee of the Week! He is co-host of The Simpsons Show, the only podcast about The Simpsons, and also the only podcast about The Simpsons that I have done a guest spot on. You should also check out his website to learn about his new novel releases. He writes that good good scary shit. Indie artists need your support now more than ever, so check out his stuff!

You can also help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers, and votes early in the month are worth more as the rankings reset!

Next Week: Bridget and Helen attempt to navigate this strange new office world. Read it early on Patreon!

What’s in a Name?

This strip’s Patreon preview was, like last week’s, about the design process for the Satanic Baseball Simulator team logos.

In other news, I’ve removed the Twitter sidebar from the site, and also removed my Twitter account from existing. You can find me on Bluesky, which has been a pretty great experience so far. It’s already become the biggest social media presence I’ve ever had, which is wild.


Sebastian is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! It’s how I have predictable money, which is both Cool and Good because we live in capitalist hell-world. If everyone who read the comic in a month chipped in $1, I’d be able to turn down most freelance work and focus on doing Hell, Inc. stuff and my own graphic novels! That would be preeeeetty cool. Especially now, because I am brooooke.

You can help Hell, Inc. for free by voting for it on Top Webcomics, which has been a great way to draw in new readers. Click the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: How is Bridget and Helen’s project in the Real Break Room going? Read it early on Patreon!

The Fighting Rays

The Patreon preview for this strip was about the process of designing the logos for the Satanic Baseball Simulator teams. Will it come up again next week? Yes.

Also, a brief PSA – some maintenance is being done on the site, so there might be some outages.


Barrie Deatcher is Employee of the Week, which means they are one of the folks helping support Hell, Inc. and my other non-freelance art endeavours! For example, I want to draw another wrestling comic.  Patreon can make that possible! Even $1 goes a long way, and adds up pretty fast when enough readers show their support.

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Doug looks for support among his colleagues. Read it early on Patreon!

Pop Flys and Pop-Ups

The Patreon preview for this strip was about coming up with the visual jokes in the background of the last panel. I could have probably written about the usefulness of multi-image motion for panels like Doug spinning in his chair, but I’m sure I’ll have more opportunities for that.

I’ll be at the Holiday Geeky Gifts Market at the Edmonton Expo Centre on November 16-17, so if you’re in Edmonton, check that out. I’ll also be at the Dark Star Comic & Toy Show on December 1st, also in Edmonton.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends (who are cool, weird cyborg-things) exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying.

Patreon! It’s a predictable income that I would like to be bigger so I can do less freelance and more stuff that I want to do! You get early access to Hell, Inc. strips, new comics, my new ttrpg Big Robots, Big Feelings, and more!

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Ray has OPINIONS about Doug’s team name. Read it early on Patreon!

Nope, Don’t Care

This is the last comic in my buffer, so I guess “drawing more Hell, Inc.” comics is what I’ll be doing for part of this week! The Patreon preview for this strip talks a bit about that, but mostly about how I use old strips as reference instead of a much more practical set of master designs.


Leonardo is Employee of the Week! They supported the creation of Hockeypocalypse: Slashers, and helped make that book possible! Which is good, because Hockeypocalypse continues to be my best seller at conventions. Supporters at the $5/up tiers get to read my graphic novels as I create them, and get a copy at the end! More backers = faster progress, because I currently spend a lot of time freelancing to make money, which is important for being alive. You can also help me out for as little as $1 a month, because that really adds up when enough people get involved.

You can help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers.

Next Week: Sara’s journey to the conference floor. Read it early on Patreon!

Get Into It

The Patreon preview for this strip is about the keys to writing Ray, and also how I keep wanting to make all the dumb computer games that pop up in Hell, Inc.

Welcome to those of you making your way here after Edmonton Expo! It was a very successful show for me, but now I am very tired and will go to sleep for roughly a week.


Sebastian is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! It’s how I have predictable money, which is both Cool and Good because we live in capitalist hell-world. If everyone who read the comic in a month chipped in $1, I’d be able to turn down most freelance work and focus on doing Hell, Inc. stuff and my own graphic novels! That would be preeeeetty cool. Especially now, because I am brooooke.

You can help Hell, Inc. for free by voting for it on Top Webcomics, which has been a great way to draw in new readers. Click the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: What’s going on in the break room? Is it stupid? Read it early on Patreon!

Slacking Champs

The next Hell, Inc. strip is number 350! Three. Hundred. and. Fifty. THAT’S SO MANY. How have I drawn that many of these? It doesn’t seem like I’ve been doing it for that long, but it’s been six years. In the Patreon preview for this strip, I kind of talk about that, in an indirect way, but discussing how Steve’s role has changed.


Barrie Deatcher is Employee of the Week, which means they are one of the folks helping support Hell, Inc. and my other non-freelance art endeavours! For example, I want to draw another wrestling comic.  Patreon can make that possible! Even $1 goes a long way, and adds up pretty fast when enough readers show their support.

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Ray told you so. Read it early on Patreon!

Games… on the Computer!

Like Steve, I, too, am always more interested in what’s going on with my computer if it’s not a spreadsheet. The Patreon preview for this strip is about how the kid in high school who could put games on your graphic calculator probably makes way more money than you, now.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends (who are cool, weird cyborg-things) exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying. Season 2 is underway!

Patreon! It’s a predictable income that I would like to be bigger so I can do less freelance and more stuff that I want to do! You get early access to Hell, Inc. strips, new comics, my new ttrpg Big Robots, Big Feelings, and more!

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Doug and Steve discuss whether there have, in fact, already been games on the computer. Read it early on Patreon!

Theatre Kid Help

Happy Labour Day! I hope your job is better than working at Hell, Inc. And if it isn’t, I hope your CEO is thrown into the sun. The Patreon preview for this strip involves me describing what I think theatre kid energy is, and why it makes me tired.


Ben Hamlin, host of Syndicated with Lesley and Ben (among other casted pods), is Employee of the Week, and I’ve made several appearances on the show, most recently discussing crime drama Better Call Saul! If you want to hear me talk about how artfully executed BCS is, then good news, you’ll have a great time listening to that podcast! You can also hear me talk about a bunch of other shows, like Newsradio, Workaholics, and Ugly Americans!

You can also head over to Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below, where voting can help draw new readers to Hell, Inc.!

Next Week: Steve has made an game-changing discovery. Read it early on Patreon!

So Many Sheilas

Helen could make SO MANY femur harmonicas with the power of a thousand Sheilas! The Patreon preview for this strip is mostly about my adventures in recovering a failed hard drive, and how that has involved recolouring/lettering a bunch of Hell, Inc. strips for the Big Book (title not final).


Robbie Dorman is Employee of the Week! He is co-host of The Simpsons Show, the only podcast about The Simpsons, and also the only podcast about The Simpsons that I have done a guest spot on. You should also check out his website to learn about his new novel releases. He writes that good good scary shit. Indie artists need your support now more than ever, so check out his stuff!

You can also head over to Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below, where voting can help draw new readers to Hell, Inc.!

Next Week: Bridget has a plan, and Helen haaaaaates it. Read it early on Patreon!