A Glimpse of Alternate Universes

The Patreon preview for this strip is about the problems that occasionally arise with having months between drawing strips of the same comic. Sometimes that muscle memory isn’t quite as good as you’d like it to be, much like regular memory.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends (who are cool, weird cyborg-things) exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying.

Patreon! It’s a predictable income that I would like to be bigger so I can do less freelance and more stuff that I want to do! You get early access to Hell, Inc. strips, new comics, my new ttrpg Big Robots, Big Feelings, and more!

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Bridget is extremely helpful, she thinks. Read it early on Patreon!

Work Relief

The Patron preview for this strip is about the thought process of splitting this strip and the previous one into their own comics, instead of a single strip as they were originally written.

In other news, next week’s strip will go live while I’m on a “work” trip to British Columbia to talk about Warhammer on the internet. I spent like two hours cutting out spaces in foam trays so I can transport my Ork army on a plane without them all exploding. I’ll link the results of the trip whenever they go live (I have no idea how far in advance they’re filming).


Ben Hamlin, host of Syndicated with Lesley and Ben (among other casted pods), is Employee of the Week, and I’ve made yet another guest appearance! This time, we talked about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury! We talk about the Prologue, which is an insane rarity – a first episode that is also the best episode of the series. You also get to hear me say some absurd Gundam character names, which I could have done for MUCH longer. You can also hear me talk about a bunch of other shows, like Better Call Saul, Newsradio, Workaholics, and Ugly Americans!

You can also help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers!

Next Week: More unpleasant realizations for Bridget and Helen! Read it early on Patreon!

The Twilight Cubicles

First 2025 signature on a piece of art! I write a little bit about that, and how it relates to reflecting on my own art, in the Patreon preview for this strip.


Robbie Dorman is Employee of the Week! He is co-host of The Simpsons Show, the only podcast about The Simpsons, and also the only podcast about The Simpsons that I have done a guest spot on. You should also check out his website to learn about his new novel releases. He writes that good good scary shit. Indie artists need your support now more than ever, so check out his stuff!

You can also help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers, and votes early in the month are worth more as the rankings reset!

Next Week: Bridget and Helen attempt to navigate this strange new office world. Read it early on Patreon!

What’s in a Name?

This strip’s Patreon preview was, like last week’s, about the design process for the Satanic Baseball Simulator team logos.

In other news, I’ve removed the Twitter sidebar from the site, and also removed my Twitter account from existing. You can find me on Bluesky, which has been a pretty great experience so far. It’s already become the biggest social media presence I’ve ever had, which is wild.


Sebastian is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! It’s how I have predictable money, which is both Cool and Good because we live in capitalist hell-world. If everyone who read the comic in a month chipped in $1, I’d be able to turn down most freelance work and focus on doing Hell, Inc. stuff and my own graphic novels! That would be preeeeetty cool. Especially now, because I am brooooke.

You can help Hell, Inc. for free by voting for it on Top Webcomics, which has been a great way to draw in new readers. Click the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: How is Bridget and Helen’s project in the Real Break Room going? Read it early on Patreon!

Pop Flys and Pop-Ups

The Patreon preview for this strip was about coming up with the visual jokes in the background of the last panel. I could have probably written about the usefulness of multi-image motion for panels like Doug spinning in his chair, but I’m sure I’ll have more opportunities for that.

I’ll be at the Holiday Geeky Gifts Market at the Edmonton Expo Centre on November 16-17, so if you’re in Edmonton, check that out. I’ll also be at the Dark Star Comic & Toy Show on December 1st, also in Edmonton.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends (who are cool, weird cyborg-things) exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying.

Patreon! It’s a predictable income that I would like to be bigger so I can do less freelance and more stuff that I want to do! You get early access to Hell, Inc. strips, new comics, my new ttrpg Big Robots, Big Feelings, and more!

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Ray has OPINIONS about Doug’s team name. Read it early on Patreon!

Who Doesn’t Have to Take This?

Who doesn’t have to take this? Ray! That’s who! Except that he kind of does, because he needs his desk for desk stuff.

Also, this update is early because the thing that lets me schedule posts in WordPress is broken, and I have to go to bed at a normal time. As some sort of owl-man, this is an annoying turn of events.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends (who are cool, weird cyborg-things) exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying. Season 2 is underway!

Patreon! It’s a predictable income that I would like to be bigger so I can do less freelance and more stuff that I want to do! You get early access to Hell, Inc. strips, new comics, my video game Space Jerks, and more!

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: We check in on Sara in Infernal Pacts. Read it early on Patreon!

Meanwhile, Madness

The Patreon preview for this strip is about my rules of thumb for making “a bunch of people at their desks talk to each other” strips interesting. Making talking scenes interesting is the most vital piece of a cartoonist’s arsenal.


Ben Hamlin, host of Syndicated with Lesley and Ben (among other casted pods), is Employee of the Week. In their most recent season, I made my fourth guest appearance on the show, this time discussing crime drama Better Call Saul! If you want to hear me talk about how artfully executed BCS is, then good news, you’ll have a great time listening to that podcast!

Patreon! It’s a predictable source of income, and ALSO Patrons can play Space Jerks, the video game I made!

Also check out the newsletter, which is how to hear about what I’m up to without needing to subject yourself to things like Twitter.

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Ray takes a stand. It involves literal standing, at points. Read it early

Very Successful

The Patreon preview for this strip is about the differences in approach between digital and hand lettering, because I guess I’m thinking about lettering a lot lately. The fact that I have any room for thoughts that aren’t about the Stanley Cup Playoffs is probably a good sign? Then again, if the Oilers win the Stanley Cup, I might end up only ever drawing Hockeypocalypse comics for the rest of time, so who knows!


New hire Raymond is Employee of the Week! And you can, too! Supporting me on Patreon makes you both a Cool and Good Person, and also means I can dedicate time to the art I want to make instead of spending time in the panic-inducing world of freelancing!

You can also vote for Hell, Inc. on Top Webcomics, which is a very useful way to reach new readers. Click on the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: Bridget asks what she missed, and gets more information than she would like. Read it early on Patreon!

Psychic Memo

Psychic memos are how I wish I could make story notes. I can’t count the number of times I’ve had a perfect joke or line of dialogue, then by the time I tried to write it down I had forgotten some or all of it. It’s very annoying.


Brien Aronov is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! I deeply appreciate your support on Patreon, which is a predictable source of income that, should it grow enough, can reduce or replace the need to freelance. That means more of the stuff you like, and less trying to figure out how to get work as every industry funnels all of its money into the C-suite. You also get benefits like early comics, pages from my graphic novels as I work on them, and other stuff like my video game!

You can help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers.

Next Week: The Great Shamening begins! Read it early on Patreon!

Vital Liquid Science?

The Patreon preview for this strip is about my process of drawing study, which involves drawing a lot of comics. Speaking of a lot of comics, I’m going to be at the Art Gallery of Alberta’s Comics & Zine Fair on April 13th and 14th, and if you’re in Edmonton, you should be, too. Click on the image below for more info:


Barrie Deatcher is Employee of the Week, which means they are one of the folks helping support Hell, Inc. and my other non-freelance art endeavours! For example, I just had a graphic novel pitch about wrestlers in a fantasy world rejected by a bunch of agents, but I still think it’s very cool and want to draw it. Patreon can make that possible! Even $1 goes a long way, and adds up pretty fast when enough readers show their support.

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: A triumphant return! Read it early on Patreon!