On June 18th, the first new Rent-A-Thug since 2010 is coming to print!
Rent-A-Thug – La Cosa Glasnostra is a one-shot comic story for mature readers. It is the standalone story of arms dealers Rastovich and Red Ilsa trying to buy weapons looted from the former Eastern Bloc’s arsenal, and the ensuing bloodbath when that goes awry. Can their love survive betrayals and hails of gunfire, or will they drown in the sea of blood they’ve created?
It will be launching on Kickstarter, and delivering in September. Options available to backers will include digital and print copies of La Cosa Glasnostra, art commissions from me, and digital (and some print) copies of many of my past projects! Please sign up to be notified when the Kickstarter launches, because having a lot of followers on it is helpful for algorithmic reasons I don’t understand.