I think my move to take out Sheila would be to run away as fast as possible. I’m not fast, though, so I would probably have to hope that I could pull off some sort of Dragon Punch to the udder or something. Do minotaurs have udders? Is minotaurs the plural of minotaur? Minostaur? These are the mental tangents I go on while writing these newsposts, because my brain is soup with Super Nintendo cartridges and VHS tapes floating in it.
BURGERPunk The RPG continues to serve up juicy stretch goals. The illustrated short story (written by Cait, drawings by me) has been unlocked, and are now working toward the additional stretch goals created because we blew through so many of the early ones so quickly. Next up is expanding the Weapons & Weirdos supplement to include full colour art and fiction in the style of a field guide (by Ashely Adams), followed by expanding the BURGER(reci)Punk ‘zine to include illustrations and rules to use the recipes as in-game items.