Stan’s Satanic All-Stars
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Stan’s Satanic All-Stars

Can you name the players on Stan’s Satanic All-Stars? Bonus points if you know the rest of the team from these guys. You’ll be seeing more of them over the next couple of strips.


Azhar Baig is Employee of the Week, and comes to us through my previous collaboration with the Lions Led By Donkeys podcast on some merchandising for the show. I’m pretty sure I sell more merch for LLBD than I do for myself. Also, by “pretty sure” I mean “I definitely do and it’s not close.” If you think Hell, Inc. is worth a dollar, head over to the Patreon and get yourself a digital copy of Hell, Inc. Volume 3: Team-building Exercise as well as over 1000 pages of other comics!

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Next Week: Steve’s sweatiness knows no bounds. Bathe in that sweet, sweaty sweat on Patreon.

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