Doris Noticed

As we’ve established previously, Sara is clearly very good at sneaking around and doing things clandestinely. This week’s Patreon preview post was about the ideas that need to germinate in the back of your mind before they’re ready, and how sometimes that means a poop joke is the catalyst for that.


Caitlin is Employee of the Week, and also author of our RPG BURGERPunk, which is now available digitally on DriveThru RPG.

Also available digitally are all of the Hell, Inc. volumes (1-6), on both Patreon and GlobalComix (the covers aren’t actually squashed and weird, it’s a display thing I don’t understand). Speaking of Patreon, you can subscribe to help me keep making art and also being alive, for as little as $1 a month!

You can help Hell, Inc. for free by telling people about it! Send links to your friends and co-workers, or vote on Top Webcomics! It’s the beginning of a new month, so the votes count for more as the rankings reset. Top Webcomics helps direct people looking for new webcomics to Hell, Inc. instead of whatever comic is using robots to have thousands of votes instantly!

Next Week: There are important shame plans. Read it early on Patreon!

The Empty Cubicle

This week’s Patreon preview talks about the phenomenon where a piece of media advertises a mystery character death, and then it turns out to be a whole lotta nothing. Except in this case, I killed a “character” unadvertised to empty a desk. Real galaxy brain stuff.


Shane Lees is Employee of the Week! He has a webcomic, Tales of Abuse, which you can check out at his website. You should also check out the Hell, Inc. Patreon, which is my predictable form of income. One of these days it will replace the need to freelance! Not a SOON day, but one day!

You can help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers.

Next Week: Have you heard that judgement is mandatory? Read it early on Patreon!

But First, Cerberus

Sometimes I forget that Doris is the receptionist for the office, and can be used in that capacity for joke delivery purposes! It’s also fun to bring the janitors back, because I like drawing those green weirdos. They’re a department, like I.T., that could probably carry their own comic. Not them, specifically, because they’re barely characters, but I think the ideas of “I.T. Crowd but in Hell” or “demon janitors” have something to them as workplace comedies.


Sebastian is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! It’s how I have predictable money, which is both Cool and Good because we live in capitalist hell-world. If everyone who read the comic in a month chipped in $1, I’d be able to turn down most freelance work and focus on doing Hell, Inc. stuff and my own graphic novels! That would be preeeeetty cool. Especially now, because I am brooooke.

You can help Hell, Inc. for free by voting for it on Top Webcomics, which has been a great way to draw in new readers. Click the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: And now, non-Cerberus business. Read it early on Patreon!

Office Raccoons

Office Raccoons could also be a desperate 2000s attempt to reboot The Raccoons by capitalizing on the popularity of The Office. It could also be a genuinely very funny comic about a Toronto overrun by raccoons to the point where they have just replaced humans entirely, which I kind of want to make. Add another project to the list of roughly 200 that I think would be fun.


You, if you stopped by my table at Edmonton Expo! It’s always wonderful to be reminded that the numbers in the stats dashboard are, in fact, actual people reading the comic and not just algorithmic errors. If YOU want to be shouted out specifically as Employee of the Week, and also help me keep making art you like instead of continuing to flail about in the chaos that is freelancing, go to Patreon! Supporting Hell, Inc./me on Patreon is an ideal way to ensure I can work on projects because they’re interesting instead of churning out pitches in hopes that one of the hundred or so people that can make the publishing industry pay me a livable amount of money do so.

You can also help Hell, Inc. by voting for it on Top Webcomics, which helps bring in new readers. Click on the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: Ray’s corporate family recipes. Read it early on Patreon.

Extreme Christmas Measures

Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate, and happy holidays to everyone! It’s a busy season, which resulted in me forgetting what day it was, so this is later in the day than normal. What even is time?


Sebastian is Employee of the holiday Week! Like him, you can also read Hockeypocalypse: Slashers as I draw it AND access to over a thousand pages of other comics, including the previous Hockeypocalypse books, for $5 a month on Patreon. It’s like a giving me a Christmas present and then I give you multiple new pages ever week!

You can also help Hell, Inc. by voting for it on Top Webcomics! It’s a regular source of new readers, and more votes = higher placement and better visibility. Click the banner below to vote daily.

Next Week: Untangling Christmas lights, a task so annoying that I bought a Christmas tree with the lights built into it. Read it early on Patreon!

Butt Schedule

Butt Schedule could also be some sort of appointment to have a butt. What does that mean? I don’t know.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying. Other things that are terrifying include having Patreon being my primary source of income at the moment! Do you like Hell, Inc.? Kick in a buck a month! Want to be Employee of the Week? Chip in 2 bucks a month. Want to read my brand new graphic novel Hockeypocalypse: Slashers as I draw it? 5 bucks. Want me to draw some stuff for you? Only 20 or 30 bucks. Get on board, where we’re going we need comics.

You can also vote for Hell, Inc. on Top Webcomics! It’s been doing shockingly well the last 6 weeks or so, keep up the good work, dear readers! You can vote daily by clicking the banner below.

Next Week: Going outside and not expecting death and destruction is some real rookie stuff. Read it early on Patreon!

Work Purposes

You know when someone tells you that what they’re doing is for work purposes, they are always telling the truth. It is impossible to lie about Work Purposes.That’s just a fact.


Cindy Gauthier is Employee of the Week, and you can read her comic on Webtoon! It’s called Posthumous, and is a comic about two friends exploring space and how the things that are in space are often terrifying. Other things that are terrifying include having Patreon being my primary source of income at the moment! Do you like Hell, Inc.? Kick in a buck a month! Want to be Employee of the Week? Chip in 2 bucks a month. Want to read my brand new graphic novel Hockeypocalypse: Slashers as I draw it? 5 bucks. Want me to draw some stuff for you? Only 20 or 30 bucks. Get on board, where we’re going we need comics.

You can also help Hell, Inc. by voting for it on Top Webcomics, where a higher ranking gives the comic more visibility to webcomic readers. Vote daily by clicking the link below!

Next Week: Where do you turn when you need hope? The I.T. department… that sounds wrong. Read it early on Patreon.


Despite being vaccinated and being able to go out and do stuff a little bit more, I’m still spending most of my time at home drawing Hockeypocalypse: Slashers and painting plastic orcs. Which, honestly, is pretty ideal for me, other than the times when my brain screams at me for not chasing freelance work as hard as possible because the projects I really care about never seem to be the ones that let me being a contributing member of my household. But other than the brain-screaming… pretty good!


Brien Aronov is Employee of the Week, and has access to several pages of Hockeypocalypse: Slashers per week as I draw them! I am extremely proud of the work I’m doing on this book, but I need more help so that I can produce it without having to take on extra freelance work to keep paying my mortgage. For $5 a month you can see 12-15 pages of the new book as I draw it, AND get a print copy mailed to you when it’s ready! Support Hockeypocalypse, and also Hell, Inc., on Patreon!

You can also help out by boosting Hell, Inc.’s visibility on Top Webcomics. Click on the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: Everyone loves taking a break from work to do other work, then going back and doing the original work during your off-time, right? Right? Read it early on Patreon!

Punishment Delivery

It’s ideal when you don’t have a plan but then some force beyond your control solves your problems for you.


Joe Amon is Employee of the Week, and because he pledges at the $5 tier he’ll have access to Hockeypocalypse: Slashers. I’m serializing my next graphic novel, a YA horror story about mutant hockey players in post-apocalypse Canada, 2-4 pages per week on Patreon! When it’s done and printed, $5 and up patrons will be getting copies in the mail!

Voting on Top Webcomics is also helpful, especially early in the month when the rankings reset. Click the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: People who sit down all the time are excellent pack mules. Read it early on Patreon!

Punishful Punishosity

Usually my favourite character to write dialogue for in a series will change over time as different characters are focused on. In Hell, Inc., though, B.L. Zebub has never really relinquished that crown. He’s so malevolent but dumb that he can say almost anything.

In other news, I got my second dose of the COVID vaccination last week, so I will soon possess the superpowers of “being able to make plans without a Zoom link” and “getting groceries without anxiety.”


Cait is Employee of the Week at Hell, Inc. and also at her soap business, Soaps & Sorcery. She has been busy turning our kitchen into a soap laboratory to supply her new retail partner, Pe Matawe Games in Edmonton. You, too, can support Hell, Inc. on Patreon, which, starting in July, will include a Patreon-exclusive comic – Hockeypocalypse: Slashers.

You can also help Hell, Inc. out by voting for it on Top Webcomics! A new month (on Thursday) means new rankings, so click the link below daily to help make the comic more visible to new readers!

Next Week: Sometimes things just work out when you threaten your underlings without a plan. Read it early on Patreon!