This strip is a slight twist on an actual encounter I had on the bus once. Years ago, I was taking the bus home from an RPG session (Rogue Trader, the Warhammer 40K roleplaying game that Fantasy Flight Games used to publish, if I recall correctly). It was a reasonably full bus, and I was sitting near the front. Two homeless guys sat down on the fold-up seats by the door. One of them started ranting and raving about demons, which nobody was paying attention to. Then he says “there’s demons right here on this bus” and looks right at me. Looks me right in the eye. I am now uncomfortable, but return to reading and ignoring him. Then he starts waving his arms and imploring other bus-riders to join him in exorcising the demons from the bus, which causes both me and about 10 other people to move as far back on the bus as possible. This just causes the guy to start exhorting his fellows to join him in exorcising the demons even more vigorously. At this point, the other homeless guy, who has sat silent the entire time, just grabs the other guy by the shoulder and pulls him back down into his seat, saying only “shut the fuck up about demons.”
The Hell, Inc. Kickstarter has funded! The print books will be on their way to the printer later this month as a result. There are still stretch goals to achieve, though, and over a week left to hit them, so there’s work left to be done. If you’ve been waiting to see if it funds, wait no more! You’ve got less than 10 days to throw your support behind the project and be among the first to get the new books!

We’re continuing with the Kickstarter backers. This week, the ones who pushed the campaign across the goal.
Michael Kingston
Lee Ditsworth
Shauna Forrister
Loren Albrecht
Chris Burris
Jennifer Bisaillon
Christine Stewart
Want to be in next week’s list, and responsible for helping unlock free copies of the original black and white Hell, Inc. comics? Back the Hell, Inc. Kickstarter by clicking the image above!
Next Week: The Beelzebus vis a vis Earth buses.