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Da-nanna-nannaaaa *spinning Steve face transition*

This week’s Patreon preview was about the two important questions that need to be answered by the scripting process, which stemmed from a conversation I had with some other cartoonists.

In other news, I was sick with a cold last week, which is the first time that’s happened to me since 2018. I don’t recommend it!


Ben Hamlin, host of Syndicated with Lesley and Ben (among other casted pods), is Employee of the Week, and I just made my fourth appearance on the show, this time discussing crime drama Better Call Saul! If you want to hear me talk about how artfully executed BCS is, then good news, you’ll have a great time listening to that podcast!

Patreon! It’s a predictable source of income, so if you like things that I do, check it out.

Also check out the newsletter, which is how to hear about what I’m up to without needing to subject yourself to things like Twitter.

You can also support Hell, Inc. for free by telling your friends about it, because that is infinitely better than any promotion I can do. Also voting on Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below is very helpful!

Next Week: Return of the Mack? No, I don’t think they make buses. Read it early on Patreon!


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