Moving On!

The last Hell, Inc. of 2024! The patron preview for this strip talked about how Willis’ experience comes from my own teaching experience.

In other news, I got a Retroid Pocket 5 for Christmas, and now I must pry myself away from it to draw more Hell, Inc. strips.


Caitlin is Employee of the Week! Patreon is a predictable form of income, which I appreciate, because freelancing and doing cons creates a wild income rollercoaster! If everyone who reads the comic chipped in a dollar a month, I’d be able to stop panicking about picking up freelance work and do more of my own stuff, which would be ideal.

You can help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers.

Next Week: Bridget has notes on Helen’s notes. Read it early on Patreon!

You May Remember Me From Such Training Videos…

The Patreon preview for this strip is about how the demon in the video was originally just Troy McClure from The Simpsons, and then I talk my joke writing philosophy in terms of pop culture references.

Merry Christmas in a few days, for those who celebrate, and have a good week for everyone who doesn’t! Feel free to revisit the Christmas party arc of Hell, Inc. for all your festive comic needs. It starts here, and goes for, like, 150 pages.


YOU, THE READER! There are a lot more of you than there were last year, which is awesome. It’s ideal, really, because if less people were reading the comic, that would be a real bummer. Special thanks to those of you who support me on Patreon, because any kind of predictable income is incredible. I’m looking forward to 2025, where I have an actual plan for a bunch of really cool new comic and RPG stuff that will hopefully not be destroyed immediately by circumstance.

BEHOLD! I have finally made a new Top Webcomics banner, only six years after first using the site header as a temporary one! You can click on it to vote, daily, because Top Webcomics is still a very effective traffic driver, and more votes means more eyeballs.

Next Week: Willis may have jumped the gun on the whole “no questions” thing. Read it early on Patreon!

Unsolicited Tech Support

Brought to you by every presentation where some computer thing doesn’t quite work! The Patreon preview for this strip was about unsolicited tech support, comics as choosing a series of moments, and school AV carts.


Trash the Stampede is Employee of the Week, and can be found on the internet at The Word Eater. They could also be found next to me at my last market of the year, which was last week! Patreon is also a predictable source of income, which helps calm the increasingly rough waters of freelancing, so I very much appreciate the people who support me on it!

In other news, social media’s slow collapse strengthens the case for Top Webcomics. The Old Internet becomes the New Internet! Click the banner below to vote daily.

Next Week: What does a workplace orientation video in Hell look like? Read it early, and with author commentary, on Patreon!

Speculate Wildly

You know what’s a great way to make a strip take a long time to draw? Make each panel have multiple characters, and only one of them is a main character that I’ve developed muscle memory for!


Ben Hamlin, host of Syndicated with Lesley and Ben (among other casted pods), is Employee of the Week, and I’ve made yet another guest appearance! This time, we talked about Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury! We talk about the Prologue, which is an insane rarity – a first episode that is also the best episode of the series. You also get to hear me say some absurd Gundam character names, which I could have done for MUCH longer. You can also hear me talk about a bunch of other shows, like Better Call Saul, Newsradio, Workaholics, and Ugly Americans!

You can also head over to Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below, where voting can help draw new readers to Hell, Inc.! It’s early in the month, and votes count for more because the rankings reset.

Next Week: Back to the office, where things are very normal. Read it early on Patreon!

Reasonable Timeline

The Patreon preview for this strip was about how I treat coming up with background character designs like jazz. In other news, I have finished rebuilding the book design file for the Big Hell, Inc. Book that I’ve mentioned a bunch of times. It took several weeks, and involved recolouring/lettering about 30 strips as well as the front and back covers, and redoing all of the page layout. But now it’s done! It also has a real title, Hell, Inc. Afterlife-time Employment. I don’t know when it’s coming out yet, though. It might get a publisher? Who knows! But you’re reading this, so you’ll definitely hear about it when I have updates.


Robbie Dorman is Employee of the Week! He is co-host of The Simpsons Show, the only podcast about The Simpsons, and also the only podcast about The Simpsons that I have done a guest spot on. You should also check out his website to learn about his new novel releases. He writes that good good scary shit. Indie artists need your support now more than ever, so check out his stuff!

You can also head over to Top Webcomics by clicking the banner below, where voting can help draw new readers to Hell, Inc.!

Next Week: We learn about death. Statistically. Read it early on Patreon!


The Patreon preview for this strip is mostly about the original joke idea for this strip, which got cut. Patrons will be the first to know when I eventually recycle it later.


Brien Aronov is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! I deeply appreciate your support on Patreon, which is a predictable source of income that, should it grow enough, can reduce or replace the need to freelance. That means more of the stuff you like, and less trying to figure out how to get work as every industry funnels all of its money into the C-suite. You also get benefits like early comics, pages from my graphic novels as I work on them, and other stuff like my video game, or Big Robots, Big Feelings, which is the tabletop game I just dropped!

You can help out Hell, Inc. for free by clicking the banner below to vote on Top Webcomics, which you can do daily! It helps make the comic more visible to webcomic readers.

Next Week: Orientation! Read it early on Patreon!

Fired into the Sun

YEET: The Sun Edition. Which will hopefully be the result for all the billionaires trying to flee the planet, tbh.


Bartender of the Apocalypse is Employee of the Week. Presumably also the Employee of the Week at O’Hellihan’s Pub. They support Hell, Inc. on Patreon, and you should, too, because my latest freelance gig is over and Patreon is my only income source at the moment. Keep an eye on the Patreon, as there will be major changes coming in July, including a WHOLE NEW COMIC SERIES.

As always, you can help Hell, Inc. by voting for it on Top Webcomics, which continues to be one of the largest sources of new readers. Vote daily by clicking the banner below!

Next Week: B.L. Zebub adjusts to party planning in completely normal and healthy ways. Read it early on Patreon!

Carry On

Just ignore the guy who slammed his head through the wall. Happens all the time.


Azhar Baig is Employee of the Week, and has a podcast called The Wisdom of Love that you should check out. It’s a comedic recounting of the Great Western Philosophers. In addition to all of that philosophy, he has access to Hell, Inc. Volume 5: Overtime, and you can, too, by supporting Hell, Inc. on Patreon! It’s my entire income at the moment, which is not ideal!

You can also help out Hell, Inc. by voting on Top Webcomics! More votes = more visibility, and it’s still early enough in the month that the rankings are very fluid. Click on the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: Party planning instructions are more thorough than anyone’s actual job training. Read it early on Patreon!

Less Immediate, Still Regret

This and the next strip were originally supposed to be one episode, which was, obviously a very poor bit of planning. Thankfully I’ve been doing this long enough to be able to spot those kinds of issues before they become a problem, or solve those problems in ways that don’t stick out as patch-jobs.


Christine Bennett, better known as Purple Pony Art, is Employee of the Week! She has early access to Hell, Inc. Volume 5: “Overtime” and you can, too! Head over to the Hell, Inc. Patreon and for as little as $1 a month you’ll get access to that book and over 1000 pages of over digital comics! Patreon is my most predictable source of income, so even $1 a month makes a big difference!

You can also vote for Hell, Inc. on Top Webcomics, which is the primary source of new readers for the comic. It’s the beginning of the month, so votes are worth even more as the rankings reset. Vote daily by clicking on the banner below!

Next Week: Back immediate regrets. Read it early on Patreon!

Immediate Regret

It’s Victoria Day in Canada, which means a long weekend which always screws up my routines for remembering to update. Could I load a bunch of posts in advance and not have to worry about that? Probably. Am I going to? Probably not. Much like how watching the NHL playoffs has made me furiously angry, but will I keep watching the Oilers next season? Yes. Will I do so while wallowing in self-loathing? Probably. If you want to check out the product of the last time I was in this headspace, go read the Hockeypocalypse books. People aware of the origins of the series will not be shocked to learn I’ve been writing a new volume.


Sebastian is Employee of the Week, and will be one of the first to have access to Hell, Inc. Volume 5: Overtime later this week, as I’m in the process of finishing that up. You can get that AND access to over a thousand pages of other comics, including the aforementioned Hockeypocalypse series, for as little as $1 a month on Patreon and ALSO help support me, the creator of said comics, because apparently humans need money to live.

You can also vote for Hell, Inc. on Top Webcomics, which brings in more new readers than any other avenue thus far. Click the banner below to vote daily!

Next Week: Mistakes were made, and their consequences have become clear. Read it early on Patreon!