It’s Creator Day at, where several of my works are available! It’s also Global Comix’ Black Friday Sale, where all six volumes of Hell, Inc. are available! That’s a bunch of things, so let me break those down a bit.
Creator Day at itch is when 100% of the proceeds from each sale go to the creator, with forgoing their usual cut. My work on itch includes Hockeypocalypse: Slashers, Hell, Inc. the RPG, Fail Marines, and the first two Hell, Inc. volumes!

Over on Global Comix, you can read Hell, Inc. in app form, and also buy PDFs of all six volumes! They’re available individually or as a bundle, and 30-35% off for Black Friday weekend! The sale ends Monday, November 27 at 11:59 PM. Hell, Inc. was recently featured in their Popular Last Week roundup.