The Patreon post for this comic is another one about comedy writing. Shocking that it would come up so often while writing about a comedy!
I’ve also reached the point in my process of recovering a failed hard drive (back up your shit better than I did, folks) where I would rather just re-do some work than hang my hopes on digging it up. To that end, I’ve re-lettered a handful of Hell, Inc. pages that I lost the lettered files for, and have about a dozen that need to be recoloured as well, because I need all those things for the upcoming (at some point) Big Print Book. Exciting.
Brien Aronov is Employee of the Week, and you can, too! I deeply appreciate your support on Patreon, which is a predictable source of income that, should it grow enough, can reduce or replace the need to freelance. That means more of the stuff you like, and less trying to figure out how to get work as every industry funnels all of its money into the C-suite. You also get benefits like early comics, pages from my graphic novels as I work on them, and other stuff like my video game, or Big Robots, Big Feelings, which is the tabletop game I just dropped!
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Next Week: So many Sheilas! Read it early on Patreon!