Running of the Sheilas
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Running of the Sheilas

This is a scene that is a good example of how my imagination works while I write – it’s way less visual than you might expect. Until I sit down to do thumbnails, I really only have a vague idea of how the page composition is going to look. There’s a swirl of overlapping images, which actually kind of helps – most of the time, there’s no perfect image in my brain that I’m trying to recreate. I’m just trying to pull something out of that swirl of imagery that suits the scene.Sometimes that imagery is directly inspired by Invader Zim and involves somebody being casually picked up by the face.


Crafty Geeks, makers of various geek-related crafts (shocking, right?) are the Employee of the Week, because businesses being the Employee of the Week is a thing, I guess. If you want to be Employee of the Week, support Hell, Inc. on Patreon.

Next Week: I’m sure having a minotaur pick her up by the face will be good for Sara’s anxiety. Right? Surely. Find out how correct I am on Patreon.

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