Exciting news, folks – I’ve been preparing my first comic in nearly two years for print, and it’s on Kickstarter RIGHT NOW!
Rent-A-Thug – La Cosa Glasnostra is a one-shot comic story for mature readers. It is the standalone story of arms dealers Rastovich and Red Ilsa trying to buy weapons looted from the former Eastern Bloc’s arsenal, and the ensuing bloodbath when that goes awry. Can their love survive betrayals and hails of gunfire, or will they drown in the sea of blood they’ve created? Rent-A-Thug began in 2005 as a comic strip in the University of Alberta newspaper, The Gateway. It ran until 2010, with hundreds of strips and pages of blood-soaked mayhem. Now, nearly 20 years later, it returns with La Cosa Glasnostra. A Rent-A-Thug graphic novel is currently in the works, and La Cosa Glasnostra is the first work paving the way for that book, aiming to reinvent the visual style and reintroduce readers to the world.La Cosa Glasnostra draws inspiration from numerous sources, including Grand Theft Auto IV; movies like Lord of War, Robocop, Tokyo Gore Police, and Snatch; and comics like Black Lagoon and Gunsmith Cats.
Production on the book is already COMPLETE – it’s ready to send to the printer as soon as the Kickstarter campaign wraps and I know how many I need to print.
I hope you’ll check it out – it’s a big stylistic stretch, and I’m really excited for people to read it and see what they think. Click on the cover, or pages below, to check it out!
*the pages below are not in sequence, they’re taken from throughout the comic